Search Dogs Northeast

(508) 726-1371

If there is no answer, please leave name, phone number with area code. A SDNE representative will call you back shortly to collect information needed to deploy the team.

Our Vision Statement

As a volunteer organization, we are committed to working with agencies and other Search and Rescue resources toward the unified goal of locating lost or missing people. By providing, through team leadership, properly trained and equipped personnel.

And, at all times, to the benefit, of the entire community, we acknowledge the importance of our own personal actions (stewardship) and will provide to the general public, especially children, preventative S.A.R. education

Want to be a part of our vision?

Our Mission Statement

  • To develop and provide highly trained canine S.A.R. teams to assist agencies in searching for lost/missing persons.
  • To educate the community about the use of search dogs and offer S.A.R. related training programs.

Join our mission.
Volunteer, Donate, Advocate.
Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: (508) 726-1371